Saturday, February 9, 2008

JO command squad DONE!

That's right, my entire JO squad is done. Now just 20 more models to go for this month... ugh...

Pics to come (hopefully) today...

Friday, February 1, 2008

Here it is: Vostroyan Platoon.
(Yes, some of them are basecoated / painted. No, they aren't fully done yet.)

Feb. 1st is here!

The eagerly awaited day is here! I havn't been this excited since... well... I don't think I've ever been this excited! I am starting off the conquests of the 5th Vostroyan Mechanised with a Vostryan Infantry Platoon Box Set. I can't wait to get these guys painted.

I was so lucky that my store had one of these left a few weeks ago. I had been drooling over the Vostroyan range ever since they came out, so I knew I had to grab it. $90 well spent, if I do say so myself.

The set comes with:

JO with command squad (Medic, Vox Officer, Flamer, Grenade Launcher)
Infantry Squad with Plasmagun and Lascannon
Infantry Squad with Plasmagun and Mortar

All metal models, total value being something around $130; Quite a deal!

Pics will come later today, once I get out of class!

Next month I'm planning on adding my Codex into the cost and a command squad.