Friday, February 1, 2008

Feb. 1st is here!

The eagerly awaited day is here! I havn't been this excited since... well... I don't think I've ever been this excited! I am starting off the conquests of the 5th Vostroyan Mechanised with a Vostryan Infantry Platoon Box Set. I can't wait to get these guys painted.

I was so lucky that my store had one of these left a few weeks ago. I had been drooling over the Vostroyan range ever since they came out, so I knew I had to grab it. $90 well spent, if I do say so myself.

The set comes with:

JO with command squad (Medic, Vox Officer, Flamer, Grenade Launcher)
Infantry Squad with Plasmagun and Lascannon
Infantry Squad with Plasmagun and Mortar

All metal models, total value being something around $130; Quite a deal!

Pics will come later today, once I get out of class!

Next month I'm planning on adding my Codex into the cost and a command squad.

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